Web Application, January 2019
Origin: CS50 Final Project (Harvard University)
Collaborator: Fangzhou Xu
Technology: Python, Flask, SQLite
Status: Ongoing
In an era that values individuality, having a personal website to showcase your own works becomes in urgent need, no matter it is a portfolio, a blog or any type of mixed media. Most of personal websites generated by website builders like Squarespace have two problems: 1. they have templates which makes your website less unique; 2. they are created as single-page HTML, which is hard to edit and update after stop using the service.
This product, F O L I O, allows designers to easily publish their work on a highly customized personal website. The core idea of the implementation is to separate page data from page design. The service is built upon Flask web framework in Python utilizing SQLite as a lightweight database system to store both template and content data. This choice of technology enabled design and development of the system in a agile way.
Backend routing design and implementation follows typical SaaS and REST API style, which gives user good clarity and control over template and project content.
www.luyueheng.com is built by this web application and deployed on AWS. The current layout is modified from Harry Wei's website (www.harrywei.com).
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